
Site layout feedback
Posted byUnited States vincent
first - let me say thanks a bunch for what you are all doing with this site. i am an hltv user and found your site to fill the need for that in valorant - obviously and understandably with just less polish than what hltv has built over their long history.

wanted to shoot you all some feedback to help out - id love to see you all succeed and what ive outlined i believe will be a big key to success for you.

i really dont have any feedback on anything feature related as it sounds like youre on it, and plus it will naturally develop over time - heck, half the teams are pickups etc so not having rankings today is fine as long as its coming. being able to see upcoming matches and who is playing is serving the main need and youre doing that.

my feedback is all around design and usability across all devices and screen sizes. VLR basically copy-pasted the hltv design and the benefit there is hltv is so great because their data is solid, but their presentation of that data is incredible - and what you all need to work on most imo.

your analytics will tell, but id guess lots of people surf your site from mobile. be it checking stats on the go or looking up stuff on your phone while you watch a match from the couch on your tv, im sure its a large majority of your traffic.

what hltv does SO well is provides a tight, tight, logical interface that packs tons and tons of info into an easy to navigate interface and does it equally well on mobile screens as on desktop screens.

since the audience is mostly gamers who are young and have good eyesight, empty space or overly generous margins anywhere are totally unneccesary.

for example their top nav is so much easier to use and feels purpose built. yours with the hamburger feels like a generic templated menu styled to match your theme. images and spacing are too big and too spread out here. this type of site is all about data and so a more "spreadsheet-driven" design is going to be better than anything "graphically-driven" for the look and feel.

to summarize, i think htlv feels tight and logical to use, works well on any screen size and is "applike" in the design of the site rather than "website-like" which is how your site feels today in some cases. i think the quicker you can improve the presentation of your data the better because if you cant easily browse, especially on mobile, then it becomes a headache quickly and people will bleed off to competitor sites quickly. i know that personally the data is the data so for me the ease of use will be the main sticking point for me choosing one site over the other.

again, im one voice, but ive worked in web design/ecommerce for the better part of 15 years so i have some sort of perspective and wanted to share my thoughts as constructive criticism - ending again with a big thank you for all your work here!
almost 4 years ago


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