Champions 2023 Los Angeles: Teams Average Age

Written By Marcelo Bensabath Writer
Last UpdatedAugust 5, 2023 at 05:06PM
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The VALORANT Champions Tour (VCT) is an annual esports event that unites top teams from around the globe in pursuit of glory and the coveted title of VALORANT world champions. The 2023 VCT Champions event in Los Angeles is shaping up to be a thrilling spectacle, not only due to the intense gameplay but also because of the diverse age range among the players. This year's stage will witness a captivating blend of seasoned veterans and budding prodigies, each showcasing their unique skills and experience.

So let's look at the average age of each squad taking part in the competition:

Champions 2023 Los Angeles: Teams Average Age
Champions 2023 Los Angeles: Teams Average Age
  • By the time this article is being written, the birthdays of the players from FPX and Bilibili Gaming are not publicly available.

One standout participant is LOUD cauanzin, the current VCT Americas Champion, is the youngest player in the tournament, a mere 18 year old at the time of writing this article. The fact that cauanzin is competing on such a prestigious platform at such a tender age speaks volumes about his talent and unwavering dedication to the game. LOUD is currently the 2nd youngest team taking part in the event, with an average age of 20.4 years; only the IGL Saadhak is over 20 years.

On the other end of the spectrum, we have NAVI’s IGL, ANGE1, the oldest player gracing the VALORANT VCT Champions 2023 at an experienced juncture in his esports journey. ANGE1 boasts a rich history in competitive gaming and has been a prominent figure in the esports scene for quite some time. His presence in the tournament stands as proof that passion and excellence in esports transcend age barriers. ANGE1's seasoned experience and leadership prowess will undoubtedly be a major asset to his team during the competition.

Now, let's delve into the average ages of the teams participating in the event. EDG, or Edward Gaming, takes the spotlight with an astonishingly youthful average team age of 20 years. Their cohesion and synergy despite their youthfulness will play a pivotal role in their pursuit of victory.

On the flip side, NRG Esports boasts an average age of 25.6 years, marking the highest average among the teams. They had good performances at both the VCT Americas and the Masters Tokyo, all of which proves that age is not an obstacle and that experience can be a decisive factor within the server.

The age difference between the teams creates an intriguing element for the VALORANT VCT Champions 2023. Young teams that are no strangers to the professional esports environment are ready to disrupt the status quo and demonstrate their mettle against more seasoned rivals. Fans will see a thrilling conflict of generations as a result of the age diversity, with an unpredictable result.

As the VALORANT VCT Champions 2023 unfolds, we eagerly await to witness which team will emerge as the champion. Will the young prodigies of LOUD shatter age stereotypes, or will the experience of ANGE1 guide his team to triumph? Can the youthful energy of EDG outshine the seasoned strategies of NRG Esports? Only time will tell, but one thing remains certain: the 2023 VCT Champions in Los Angeles will be an esports experience like no other!

He have gone through all stages on his career within esports - player, coach, manager, business, and much more. Played CS:GO and Overwatch competitively during his teenage years and had the opportunity to coach several amateur and professional MOBA teams. He had the opportunity to contribute his two cents to some teams such as MVP, LOS, and DragonX and has worked with various gaming companies, including some well-known ones such as Level Up! and Epic Games. Currently, he is currently studying to pursue his master's degree in International Relations in Kyoto, Japan. "Full time on esports since Luminosity won that Major"

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