How to get Grim’s Crosshair in VALORANT
We want to say that this is not one of our personal best crosshairs in VALORANT, but Grim uses it to smurf in his games! It isn’t a funny crosshair like some pros like to use in their casual games, especially like the smiley face crosshair, but it will get you a few more kills than you’re expecting!
How you can get Grim’s Crosshair in VALORANT

Before we start, one thing to remember is to make sure you’ve got the right color setting when you are getting Grim’s crosshair in your VALORANT, and he uses White as his color, and so have we!
We have also named our crosshair profile Grim, but you can name your crosshair profile whatever you want!
Grim Crosshair Settings

- Outlines - On
- Outline Opacity - 1
- Outline Thickness - 1
- Center Dot - On
- Center Dot Opacity - 1
- Center Dot Thickness - 3
- Override Firing Error Offset With Crosshair Offset - Off
- Override All Primary Crosshairs With My Primary Crosshair - Off
Grim Crosshair Inner Lines

- Show Inner Lines - On
- Inner Line opacity - 1
- Inner Line Length - 1
- Inner Line Thickness - 1
- Inner Line Offset - 1
- Movement Error - Off
- Movement Error Multiplier - Deactivated because of Movement Error being turned off
- Firing Error - Off
- Firing Error Multiplier - Deactivated because of Firing Error being turned off
Grim Crosshair Outer Lines

- Show Outer Lines - Off
- Outer Line opacity - 1
- Outer Line Length - 10
- Outer Line Thickness - 10
- Outer Line Offset - 40
- Movement Error - Off
- Movement Error Multiplier - Deactivated because of Movement Error being turned off
- Firing Error - Off
- Firing Error Multiplier - Deactivated because of Firing Error being turned off
Grim Crosshair Import Code

Import and export codes for VALORANT crosshairs is such an awesome feature added to VALORANT by Riot Games and the VALORANT development team, and it gives you the ability to be able to copy and paste a crosshair code directly into your game of VALORANT!
This means that you can simply paste a unique code for the crosshair you want, and have it immediately!
If you don’t know how you can import a VALORANT crosshair, or even export one for that matter either, we have a full guide separately, but here is a quick rundown for those of you who are too lazy.
- Copy the Grim crosshair Valorant code below this guide
- Next go to where you created your crosshair profile, press "Import Profile Code"
- Simply and finally paste the code in using Control + V and press "Import"
You can use this amazing feature to copy the crosshair profile of anyone in your games of VALORANT, and even get those of other professional players, such as Shroud’s VALORANT crosshair!
The import code for the Grim crosshair is below, so just copy and paste it to be ready togo!
If you want more articles about some awesome crosshairs, we have a whole load for you to try out, and who knows, maybe you'll find your perfect crosshair!
Related: How to get Sinatraa's Crosshair in VALORANT Related: How to get Tarik's Crosshair in VALORANT Related: How to get Kaemi's Crosshair in VALORANT