CS2 console commands

Did you know you can explore the universe of Counter-Strike 2 more with CS2 console commands? We have all the important ones for you in this piece!
Written By Onur Demirkol

(Content Writer)

Reviewed by : Naim Rosinski

(Content Manager & Editor)

Last UpdatedMarch 4, 2024 at 01:42PM
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In CS2, you can use different commands to streamline your game, even if you are playing against the bots. These commands let you tweak settings, making your gameplay smoother, and even practice in ways you can't just by playing matches. We're going to show you how to open up that console window and set up a special file that automatically does your bidding every time you start the game. You will also find all of the most important CS2 console commands to use in your game below!

All CS2 console commands

Below you will find all the CS2 console commands you need!

Performance Enhancements

  • cl_hud_telemetry_serverrecvmargin_graph_show 1: Enables an overlay of FPS, ping, and latency metrics.
  • cl_showfps 1: Activates an on-screen display of your current FPS; variations (2-5) provide more detailed info.
  • fps_max 0: Removes the FPS cap, allowing for unlimited frames per second.

Advanced Practice Tools

  • sv_cheats 1: Enables commands that modify gameplay for practicing and exploring maps.
  • noclip: Allows you to move freely through the map, ignoring physical barriers.
  • sv_infinite_ammo 1: Grants unlimited ammo for all weapons and grenades.
  • mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1; mp_respawn_on_death_t 1: Sets instant respawn for players upon death.
  • mp_roundtime 60: Extends round time to 60 minutes for thorough practice sessions.
  • mp_buytime 60000; mp_buy_anywhere 1; mp_maxmoney 65535; mp_startmoney 65535: Enables unrestricted weapon purchasing throughout the game.
  • mp_restartgame 1: Restarts the game to apply previous command changes.
  • r_drawOtherModels 2: Makes player models visible through walls, useful for strategic planning.
  • changelevel [map code]: Instantly switches the game to a different map.
  • launch_warmup_map [map code]: Initiates a practice match on a specified map.
  • give weapon_[weapon name]: Instantly equips a selected weapon.
  • sv_rethrow_last_grenade: Repeats the last grenade throw, aiding in learning grenade trajectories.
  • sv_grenade_trajectory 1: Displays the path of thrown grenades, useful for practice.
  • god: Makes you invulnerable to damage for practicing scenarios without dying.
  • sv_regeneration_force_on 1: Automatically regenerates health after taking damage.
  • kill: Instantly kills your character for a quick respawn.
CS2 console
CS2 console

Gameplay Customizations

  • bind [action] [key]: Assigns a specific action to a designated key for quick execution.
  • volume [0-1]: Adjusts the game's overall sound volume.
  • voice_modenable [0/1]: Turns voice chat on or off.
  • snd_voipvolume 0.5: Controls the volume of teammate's voice chats, adjustable from 0 (silent) to 1 (loudest).
  • disconnect: Exits the current game server immediately.
  • quit: Closes CS2, taking you back to your desktop.

Bot Management

  • bot_kick: Removes all bots from the game, clearing the server.
  • bot_add: Adds a bot to the server, useful for filling teams or practicing.
  • bot_place: Spawns a bot at your crosshair location, allowing for scenario setups.
  • bot_crouch: Forces all bots to crouch, useful for aim practice.
  • bot_stop 1: Freezes all bot movements; change to 0 to resume their activity.
  • bot_mimic 1: Bots mimic your movements; setting to 0 deactivates this feature.

Each command offers a unique advantage, allowing players to tailor their CS

How to enable console in CS2

First things first, let's get that console window up and running:

  1. Fire up CS2 and hit the settings button.
  2. Look for the "Game" tab and click it.
  3. Find the option for "Developer Console" and turn it on.
  4. All set? Now press the (~) or (`) key on your keyboard to open the console.

This key is right between the TAB and ESC keys, so it’s easy to find.

Credit: ProSettings
Credit: ProSettings

How to create an autoexec config file

For those who like to get technical, an autoexec config file can make your life a lot easier. It automatically runs your favorite console commands every time you start CS2. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Right-click on CS2 in your Steam Library and pick "Manage" > "Browse Local Files."
  2. Head over to "Game" > "CSGO" > "CFG."
  3. Right-click in an empty space, select "New" > "Text Document," and name it "autoexec.cfg."
  4. Open this new file with Notepad and drop in the console commands you love.
  5. Go back to CS2 in your Steam Library, click "Properties" > "General" tab, and type "+exec autoexec.cfg" in the "Launch Options."

Now, every time you start CS2, it’ll remember your settings.

What is the console command for CS2 wallhack?

Ever wondered how to see your enemies through walls in CS2, like some kind of superpower? Well, there's a trick for that, but keep in mind it's only for practice. The magic spell is r_drawOtherModels 2. However, you can't use this in regular matches because it needs cheats to be on, which only works on training servers or when you're playing against bots.

Here's the lowdown:

  1. Activate Console: Hit the ~ key to open up the console. If it doesn't pop up, make sure it's enabled in your CS2 settings.
  2. Enable Cheats: Type in sv_cheats 1 to let the game know you're about to bend some rules.
  3. See Through Walls: Enter r_drawOtherModels 2 and suddenly, you can see everyone, everywhere. Remember, this is just for practice or fun games with bots, not for competitive play.

How do you add money on CS2?

Want to feel like the richest player in CS2 without actually breaking the bank? Here’s how you can give yourself all the money you could ever want in the game. First up, you'll need to open the console by hitting the ~ key.

Here's how to make that dream a reality, at least for your practice sessions:

  1. Open the Console: Press the ~ key to bring up the console window.
  2. Turn on Cheat Mode: Type sv_cheats 1 and hit enter. This is your key to unlocking all sorts of game tweaks.
  3. Infinite Cash: Input mp_maxmoney 99999 followed by mp_startmoney 99999 to max out your funds. The highest you can go is 99999, which is more than enough for all your in-game needs.
  4. Shop Anywhere: Don't forget mp_buytime 60000 and mp_buy_anywhere 1. Now you can buy weapons and gear wherever you fancy on the map, anytime you want.

It's important to remember that these commands are intended for personal improvement and exploration within the game's practice mode. They are tools designed to assist in learning and refining game strategies, not for use in competitive settings where fairness and integrity are paramount.

Check out these CS2 guides too:

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Onur Demirkol here, writer for THESPIKEGG. You will see his name on a bunch of different articles here, whether they are breaking news or evergreen guides and content.

His journey in the industry has been marked by influential roles at esteemed platforms such as Flank Esports and 5Mid, where he served as editor-in-chief. Onur made significant contributions to their success in written content and social media, including a notable impact on an issue of the Turkish Esports Federation magazine. Currently, he serves as the Lead Editor for Gamelevate, taking pride in managing a global team of 12 talented writers. Additionally, Onur regularly contributes to Softonic, gHacks, Dataconomy, and Techbriefly. He has written thousands of articles, and that number continues to go up.

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