The Best Beginner Champions in League of Legends
Champions in League of Legends range in difficulty, but if you’re new to the game, you need to know which ones are the easiest to play, so here are the best beginner champions in League of Legends for every role!
The stipulation that beginner and easy champions get is that the better you get at the game, the worse these champions become, and whilst there is some truth to it due to beginner champions being somewhat easy to counter, this is not necessarily the case.
Some League of Legends champions on this list will scale really well as you progress with your ranks, and some of them are there just to get you out of Bronze. So here is the best beginner champions in League of Legends for every single role!
Top Lane: Garen

In the Top Lane who else would be have other than Garen? Garen is a perfect example of one of the easiest champions in the game still being one of the hardest to beat, especially as you climb out of Bronze, Silver, and Gold.
Garen has everything you need in his kit for a beginner champion, with zero skillshots so mechanics are kept at a minimum and a lot of self-sustain, so if you make a mistake you are hard to punish for it.
These are the key aspects of a beginner champion, being able to make mistakes and not lose the entire game from them!
One of the best parts about Garen is that he doesn't actually use mana, meaning that players who like to spam their abilities as soon as they are of cooldown have no issue, which is a big thing with new players playing League of Legends.
Jungle: Master Yi

In the Jungle it's hard to pick a beginner champion that is easier than Master Yi. The only other option would have been Warwick, but Warwick’s scaling speed is a niche mechanic that can sometimes be a hindrance to new players.
So as we said, we've chosen Master Yi and a champion farming Jungle camp that revolves around auto attacks is perfect! Whilst there is some level of skill needed in terms of timing for his Q, Alpha Strike, Master Yi is great for new players who want to play aggressively and maximize their damage output.
He also scales amazingly into the late game, building items similar to those of an ADC. This means the later on the game goes, the more attack speed and the more damage Master Yi has, meaning his cooldowns get shorter and his healing increases - making him one of the hardest champions to kill in the late game!
Mid Lane: Annie

Whilst Annie is just a young girl, her kit is no joke and regardless of if you are a new player on one of the most experienced players, Annie is always a good pickup for you. There is a reason that Annie is played on the professional stage of League of Legends but that doesn't mean that she is out of skill range for beginner players.
With her point-and-click stun on her Q, Disintegrate, Annie's greater teaching new beginner players how to full combo and all in an enemy champion, and is the perfect gateway into playing Mage Mid Lane champions.
Annie also teaches beginner players how to revolve around cooldowns and power spikes in her kit. her threat is much more severe when her Passive, Pyromania, is fully stacked, so beginner players learn a lot about timing when playing Annie.
On top of this, the real reason everyone plays Annie is because who doesn't love a giant cuddly teddy bear that slaps enemies with fire!
ADC: Ashe

Ashe is arguably one of the easiest champions in the game but is still one of the best in the current meta. This has been the case for many years almost ever since her release, and whilst she hasn't got any harder she certainly has got better.
With her auto attacks innately slowing down enemies Ashe teaches beginner players how to kite effectively and play a traditional team fight of front to back, staying behind her tanks and making sure that she's not jumped on or out of position.
On top of this her Ultimate ability, Enchanted Crystal Arrow, is great for teaching ADC players how to engage and stop fights on themselves, as peel for themselves. This is a core mechanic that a lot of players need to learn as going up the ranks Supports that ADCs will play with are often roaming for a large majority of the game, leaving the ADC alone.
Support: Blitzcrank

Our choice for the best beginner champion for Support is Blitzcrank. Whilst we are aware that there is arguably simpler champions, such as Lux and even Nami, We feel like a beginner player on Blitzcrank can have the most impact out of any Support champion.
Blitzcrank revolves around hitting his Q, Rocket Grab, and one great hook could be a massive game changer. after this the Blitz crank players can not up enemies with his E, Power Fist, which allows them to secure a kill for their team.
It teaches beginner players about the other side of League of Legends, which is supporting your allies rather than focusing on killing enemies.
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