How to play fortnite? Everything you need to know

How to play Fortnite
Written By Marcelo Bensabath

Reviewed by : Naim Rosinski

(Content Manager & Editor)

Last UpdatedFebruary 7, 2024 at 10:35AM
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Jumping onto the Fortnite Battle Bus for the first time? Don't sweat it! This comprehensive guide equips you with the essential knowledge to transform from newbie to nightmare for your opponents. Mastering building, strategic looting, and combat tactics will have you racking up Victory Royales in no time. So, tighten your grip, lower your sights, and prepare to own the island!

1. Gearing Up for Glory:

Skip Spawn Island Loot: While tempting, take your time to focus on practicing essential mechanics like building and aiming. If you need to search for weapons to get used to how they work, do it, but remember: Real loot awaits on the main island!

Choose Your Landing Wisely: Avoid hot zones unless you're a confident fighter. Although they are a good opportunity to practice your aim and building techniques, you're going to face already experienced opponents. Prioritize named locations with good loot distribution and manageable enemy density. Consider landing on different locations each game so you can explore and understand the map better.

Embrace the Glider: Don't worry about manual deployment; it opens automatically at the right height. Conserve your focus for choosing a strategic landing spot. If you need, you can open the glider way earlier to reach further distances, or if you change your mind, you can close it again to drop faster.

2. Mastering the Art of Construction:

Walls Before Healing: Always prioritize building cover (walls, ramps, or even a box) before using consumables like health potions or shields. Every second counts in the heat of battle! And the most important, small shield potions before the big one.

High Ground, Big Reward: You know the drill, Anakin. Gaining the elevation advantage significantly increases your chances of winning a fight. Build ramps or utilize existing structures like hills or buildings to gain the high ground.

Grenades: Tools of Destruction: Use grenades strategically to dismantle enemy cover, flushing them out or creating escape routes. Aim for the base of their structures for maximum impact. If the building loses its foundation, everything is going down.

3. Looting Like a Pro:

Prioritize Rarity: Gold guns like the SCAR or P90 pack the biggest punch, followed by purple, blue, green, and grey in descending order. Rarity usually indicates higher damage, fire rate, or magazine size.

Know Your Weapon Roles: Assault rifles and SMGs excel in close-to-mid range combat due to their fast fire rates and decent damage. Shotguns dominate tight spaces like houses or rooms with their explosive one-shot potential. Sniper rifles shine at long distances for taking down unsuspecting enemies.

Utility is Key: Carry at least one healing item (Bandages or Med Kit), shield potion (Mini or Big), or grenade (Frag or Stun) for tactical flexibility. Healing and shields allow you to recover from mistakes, while grenades can flush out enemies, destroy structures, or create distractions.

4. Additional Survival Strategies:

Headphones are Essential: Footsteps and gunshots reveal enemy positions. Invest in a good pair of headphones for enhanced awareness. Listen carefully to pinpoint enemy locations and react accordingly.

Fall Damage is Real: Avoid heights exceeding three storeys without building ramps or finding slopes to slide down. Taking fall damage weakens you and makes you an easy target, so be mindful of your surroundings.

Crouching for Stealth: Move silently by crouching, especially when approaching potential enemies or hiding in bushes or corners. This can give you the element of surprise and increase your chances of landing that first shot.

5. Beyond the Basics:

Explore Different Modes: Test Solo, Duos, Trios, or Squads to find your preferred playstyle. Zero Build offers a construction-free alternative, focusing solely on gunplay and movement. Experiment and see what clicks!

Harvesting Matters: Gather wood, brick, and metal for building by breaking down trees, structures, and furniture. Consistency is key! Make it a habit to harvest materials as you rotate between locations, ensuring you have enough resources to build effectively in combat situations.

Customize Your Locker: Express yourself with unique skins, emotes, and other cosmetics. Remember, these are locked in before each match, so choose wisely! Reflect your personality and strike fear into the hearts of your enemies (or make them laugh, depending on your style).

Practice Makes Perfect: Remember, mastering Fortnite takes time and dedication. Don't get discouraged by initial setbacks. Every match is a learning experience. Utilize Creative Mode to practice building techniques, aim training courses, and explore the map at your own pace. Analyze your gameplay, identify areas for improvement, and keep refining your skills.

Additional Tips:

  • Utilize replays: Watch replays of your matches to analyze your performance, identify mistakes, and learn from them. Pay attention to your decision-making, building techniques, and aim.

  • Complete daily and weekly challenges: These challenges offer valuable experience points (XP) and rewards, helping you progress through the Battle Pass and unlock new cosmetics. They also encourage you to try different aspects of the game.

  • Learn advanced building techniques: Once you grasp the basics, explore more advanced building techniques like "90s," "boxfighting," and "tunneling" to outmaneuver and outbuild your opponents. Numerous online tutorials and guides can help you master these skills.

  • Don't be afraid to hot drop: While risky, hot dropping in high-traffic areas can be an adrenaline rush and hone your combat skills quickly. Just be prepared for intense close-quarters encounters.


By following these tips and consistently putting in the practice, you'll transform from a wide-eyed newbie into a formidable force on the Fortnite battlefield. Remember, the key is to have fun, learn from your mistakes, and keep evolving your playstyle. Now go out there and claim those Victory Royales!

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