How to get better ping in VALORANT

Written By Eddie Lemon Writer
Last UpdatedJuly 10, 2023 at 10:27AM
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Your ping in VALORANT, also known as your MS, is the network latency between your PC and the VALORANT servers. In other words, how quickly your computer responds to commands being input to the main VALORANT server.

This means that if you have high ping, the game will struggle to register that you’ve been one-shot by a Phoenix peeking Window on Haven, and you certainly won’t hit your blades with Jett’s Bladestorm Ultimate!

We have four key tips that you can use to answer the question, how to get lower ping in VALORANT.

We have so many people asking us is high ping better in VALORANT, so to clear that up - no. You want as low ping as possible.

But before we tell you how to fix high average ping, you need to make sure you are not using a VPN which locates you on another server. As much as we know how fun it can be to play VALORANT in different regions, this will not help your ping when you are playing on your own server.

The best ways to lower ping in VALORANT

Use a wired connection

VALORANT Network Problem
VALORANT Network Problem

This is probably the best way of how to lower your ping in VALORANT, and it is very simple! Get yourself an Ethernet cable, and plug it into your PC and the back of your internet router.

This gets rid of the need for a wireless connection, meaning fluctuations will be rare. A physical connection is always better than a wireless one, and even if it reduces your ping by five, that might be the difference between timing your Viper Snake Bite post-plant lineups on Breeze’s A Site correctly and missing them!

These are no more than $10 for a decent one that will do the job, so if you are constantly screaming at your computer when your ping spikes, this is the best way to start solving your issue of high ping in VALORANT.

Disconnect other devices


Do you really need your TV streaming Netflix in the background? Fair enough if you do, but don’t blame us when you lose RR! If not, disconnect your television from your WiFi, as even idle devices being connected can use up your broadband, making your connection to your ever so important Ascendant rank up game, a lot weaker!

The same goes for your Playstation or Xbox too. In fact, anything that is connected to the WiFi and doesn’t need to be, you can always improve your ping by disconnecting them.

If a game of VALORANT means that much to you, taking 30 seconds to disconnect those devices is for sure worth it!

Prioritize VALORANT

This is a simple one that may work better for some than for others but is worth a try:

  • Open Task Manager
  • Select the Details tab
  • Scroll down and find VALORANT
  • Right-Click and set Priority to High

This is a simple trick, but it basically tells your computer when VALORANT is running, funnel everything it has into making VALORANT run as smoothly as possible.

Close background applications

VALORANT High Average Ping
VALORANT High Average Ping

This might seem self-explanatory, but if you have a bunch of Google tabs or other applications open, VALORANT will lag a lot more due to high ping.

This is because your computer is using power to try and keep them open rather than just focusing on VALORANT.

Also this goes without saying, but don’t try and play VALORANT with anything downloading in the background!

These are our four ways for how to fix ping spikes in VALORANT, and if you are still asking why does my ping spike in VALORANT, that means none of these have worked. In that case, our final recommendation is to check with your internet provider (ISP) to see if there are any issues in the area or with your connection.

How to fix ping spikes in VALORANT?

The reason your ping spikes is because there is too much going on with your WiFi at the time. It could be due to external factors, such as weather and your ISP having issues, but there is a lot you can do to prevent this!

If your ping is spiking in VALORANT, it is likely because you haven’t done the steps above! Closing background applications, stopping uploads or downloads, and disconnecting other devices are ways you can stop your ping spiking and your bad ping in VALORANT.

Hi, my name is Eddie, I am a full-time writer and short-form video editor, with a degree in Esports! My main games are VALORANT and League of Legends, so you could say that I am at the beck and call of Riot Games! I have worked previously for a few different websites, doing various roles, such as writing, editing, and even voiceovers, but here at THESPIKE, I am an out-and-out article writer, so I can really get as much content out as I can! I graduated with my Esports degree with a 2:1, and a desire to keep going, so this was a perfect step for me, but I still can't get enough of League of Legends when I'm free.

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