Killjoy is one of the unique Sentinels with an ability kit that can be effective on offense and defense. The Agent can defend a whole bomb site on their own thanks to their varying abilities and also a great team player at times. If you want to know more about Killjoy, including their abilities, lore, voice actor, and their relationship with Raze, read the guide from top to bottom, as you will find everything you need to know!
Killjoy VALORANT abilities
Killjoy’s abilities are similar to some of the other Agents, but the mechanics are quite different. You can plant Alarmbots with the Agent to see if any enemies are trying to sneak behind your team’s back or use your ult to make them run away from certain places, usually bomb sites. Here are all of the Killjoy abilities in VALORANT:
- Nanoswarm “C” - EQUIP a Nanoswarm grenade. FIRE to throw the grenade. Upon landing, the Nanoswarm goes covert. ALT FIRE to lob. ACTIVATE the Nanoswarm to deploy a damaging swarm of nanobots.
- Alarmbot “Q” - EQUIP a covert Alarmbot. FIRE to deploy a bot that hunts down enemies that get in range. After reaching its target, the bot explodes and applies Vulnerable to enemies in the area. HOLD EQUIP to recall a deployed bot.
- Turret “E” - EQUIP a Turret. FIRE to deploy a turret that fires at enemies in a 180 degree cone. ALT FIRE to swap turret direction. HOLD EQUIP to recall the deployed turret.
- Lockdown “X” - EQUIP the Lockdown device. FIRE to deploy the device. After a long windup, the device Detains all enemies caught in the radius. The device can be destroyed by enemies.

Nanoswarm (C)
The first of Killjoy’s abilities is her Nanostorm grenade. This ability works as a ground effect, similar to Brimstone’s Molly, except you can control when it activates. After you throw the grenade it goes into “covert move” making it nearly impossible to see, and if placed properly, you can nearly hide it in the model of the spike while it is planted. The Nanoswarm does 15 damage every 0.25 seconds for a total of 270 damage over 4.5 seconds, making it extremely effective in post-plant scenarios to deny a defuse. It’s worth noting that Nanoswarm can kill someone from full health, and if used correctly can lock down narrow corridors on both offense and defense.
Killjoy VALORANT lore
German-born inventor Klara Böhringer has one father who is of Germanic origin. Böhringer, a candidate for the Distinguished Inventor award, took over as head of the Kingdom's R&D division at the age of 18. She was incredibly productive and made several advancements while working at Kingdom with several of her inventions.
The fourth operative to join the VALORANT Protocol under the alias "Killjoy" was Böhringer. She received her call sign after being given it by her teammates as a compliment for her exceptional job, which freed the rest of them from having to do as much. Klara chose to maintain the moniker. As a representative of VALORANT and Brimstone's protégé, Killjoy is now doing her inventive job. Any gadget the Protocol requires for any purpose - with the necessary tools, Killjoy can construct anything. From creating spike defusers under pressure from an oncoming detonation to making teleporters for travel between worlds.
How to play Killjoy: Tips and Tricks
Among the ranks of characters, Killjoy stands out as a technological genius capable of turning the tide of battle with their crafty gadgets. However, all these gadgets have different advantages on different maps, and you need to know them exactly to get the full contribution. Also, these abilities get nerfs and buffs constantly as more patch notes gets released. For example, Killjoy’s Nanoswarm received a huge buff in VALORANT path notes 6.08]( Here are some tips and tricks to level up your Killjoy game:
- Zone Control: Plant the Nanoswarm on choke points or near Spike sites. Enemies will think twice before treading through the fire. Combine it with the Alarmbot for a one-two punch. If you are on the attack and plant your mollies on top of the Spike, try not to die and delay your enemies' defuse as much as you can. They won’t be able to get into the molly pit as it will kill them.
- Intel Gathering: Use the Alarmbot to scout, then get ready for action. It's like having a little buddy who's always looking out for you. Alarmbot will help you prevent any flanks or sneaky moves from your opponents. The opposing team doesn’t have to get caught by it, but even if they destroy it, you will be notified, which makes it a great tool to get intel. You must plant it in places that your team isn’t covering and potential flanking positions that your enemies might try to benefit from.
- Tag 'Em and Bag 'Em: Deploy the Turret to distract enemies and keep them busy. While they're dealing with it, slip out for a surprise attack. This can also be used for intel gathering, as the turret will shoot at your enemies as soon as they get into its vision.
- Game-Changing Ultimate: The Lockdown's a game-changer. If enemies are affected, zap them out with the Ultimate. You can use the ultimate when entering bomb sites or you can also use it in post-plant scenarios to kick your opponents out of the bomb site and have full control.
AlarmBot (Q)
Killjoy’s second ability is one that fills a more defensive position, whether on the defensive side of the map, watching flanks, or even during a post-plant scenario. Killjoy throws down an AlarmBot that will chase players that walk into its range, similar to a boombot from Raze, except only when activated by proximity. If the bot manages to explode on its target, it applies Vulnerable, increasing the damage that target takes. Killjoy also has the ability to recall the AlarmBot if she wishes, similar to Cypher and his tripwires or camera. While this ability is a rather basic one, it does allow Killjoy to have excellent control of flanks and narrow hallways, most usefully in a post-plant scenario, where she excels across the board.
Turret (E)
Killjoy’s signature ability is another defensively-minded ability, her turret. The ability is simple: Killjoy can place a turret down which works on line of sight, shooting anything in an 180 degree cone in front of the turret. The turret has 125 health and does 11 damage to whatever it is shooting per shot. Killjoy has the ability to recall the turret the same way as her AlarmBot, to reposition it throughout the round. The turret has been one of Killjoy’s most talked about abilities, similar to her previous two abilities it excels at locking down tight corridors and providing information on incoming enemies. One of the most effective uses of the turret is in a post-plant scenario, providing continuous information about where the enemy is coming from to better prepare your teams defenses. While many worried that the turret’s damage would be too high, it’s moderate damage means it acts much more like a better AlarmBot than a weapon to seek out kills with.

Killjoy voice actor
Eva Feiler is the voice behind Killjoy. Feiler is not only a voice actor; she has also appeared as an actor in movies and series like “Urban Legends,” “Othello,” “The Merchant of Venice,” and “The Archers.” “Light, intelligent, and with a dash of whimsy, Eva brings a spoonful of happiness to any project. A keen comic instinct, her audiobook, and animation reel make for a joyous listen; on the turn of a coin, she can unleash a veritable army of characters,” says Voice Call for her.
Related: The Amazing Voices Behind your Favourite Valorant Sentinels
Killjoy voice lines in VALORANT
- "Placing swarm grenade."
- "Swarm grenade out."
- "Placing alarmbot."
- "Found them."
- "Ugh, turret down."
- "Hah, turret killed them."
- "Initiated!"
- "You should run."
- "Caught one."
- "Trapped and zapped!"
- "I built literally everything on this battlefield. Ja, even the things that might kill us. What? You want me to say sorry?"
- "These imposters actually think they can beat my tech? Ah, let's test that theory."
- "Swarm grenades? Check. Killer robots? Check- oh, hah, don't worry, they're only killer when I say so."
- "Let's make this extraction quick. After this I'm going clubbing five timezones away, and a girl needs a moment to change."
- "Stealing our radianite is one thing, but I swear if they touch my coffee mug collection, I will erase them from existence."
- "You can trust my bots. They only malfunctioned that one time and, honestly, she won't miss that finger."
- "Let's see. Battles are won by geniuses. And I am a genius. So..."
- "Last round to use our creds and abilities. Don't waste your firepower!"
- "Just cool down, we're good enough to win!"
- "Okay everyone, take a test tube. Thank you. Let's collect samples and get out of here."
Lockdown (X)
Last but not least is Killjoy’s ultimate, which many have called the strongest ability in all of VALORANT, Lockdown. Lockdown is a device that is planted on the ground which explodes after 15 seconds, detaining all enemies in its absolutely gargantuan range. When we mentioned that Killjoy excels on attack, getting your team onto the site, and then controlling it after the spike is planted, her ultimate allows her to do that nearly effortlessly. The device can be killed by enemies so be sure to protect it, but the range on it makes it so that you could activate it on the very outskirts of the bombsite, comfortably in attacking possession, and then move in after to take over the site. While her ultimate is non-lethal, it still provides some of the strongest zone control in VALORANT, and has made Killjoy an instant-inclusion in numerous teams at any level.
Killjoy has become one of the most useful and strongest agents in VALORANT since her release, from casual all the way to professional play. What do you think, is Killjoy too strong? Does she need nerfs? Would you change the way that Killjoy interacts with the game, or maps? Let us know your thoughts on Killjoy, and keep an eye out for more run downs about the various agents of VALORANT.

How old is Killjoy?
As Riot Games haven’t provided any official information regarding Agent ages, it is not possible to give any exact answers, but Killjoy is thought to be around 20-25 years old.
Related: How to play Sentinels in Valorant
When was Killjoy released?
Act 2 of VALORANT and Killjoy were both published on August 4, 2020. Once that day arrived, players could use the Agent in any match or server, and gamers began attempting to complete their Agent Contact.

VALORANT Raze and Killjoy
Raze and Killjoy are seen kissing in the background of a party in a picture shared on the official Valorant Twitter account, which proves the relationship between the two Agents. It's Valorant's first agent couple. The entire plot is similar to League of Legends, where certain LGBTQ+ partnerships have already been established.