VALORANT Callouts Guide
Have you ever wondered why your teammates are shouting at you about their garden? Us too. That's why we've created this nifty guide to help you learn about all callouts in VALORANT, and why they are so useful!
VALORANT Callouts Meaning
VALORANT callouts are a short and snappy way of telling your team important information. Giving the right callouts can turn the tide of the game entirely, assisting your team with precise details even if you have already fallen on the battlefield.
How To Use Tactical Callouts In VALORANT
Each map will have a set of different terms to describe certain areas of the map. The reason we use these words and phrases is not to confuse, but to transmit information with our team as efficiently as possible, so that everyone knows where they need to be aware of during the different phases of a round. Any time you see an enemy or something of interest in a certain location, try and communicate this to your teammates in a clear and concise manner.
How To Learn VALORANT Callouts
There are no specific rules on how to do callouts in VALORANT, but this guide will help you along that journey! Learning the callouts will come with time spent on a certain map, as all maps have a few different callouts. Throwing yourself in at the deep end, by listening to your team shout random words at you, may not be the most efficient or productive, so let's get started!
One really great way to get learning quicker is by heading into a custom game by yourself, and getting yourself acquainted with the locations on each map! A great tip for learning is to use the ping function, as it will show you the name of the location just below the ping.

VALORANT Map Callouts
Just a quick overall note for all VALORANT maps. Wherever the Attackers and Defenders spawn, these locations are namely referred to as "Attacker Spawn" and "Defender Spawn", or "CT Spawn". Here is a list of all VALORANT map callouts individually. We've taken the time to list the maps alphabetically, and the locations in order of proximity to Attacker spawn to make it easier for you!
VALORANT Ascent Callouts
A beautiful map based on a floating part of Venice, featuring an interactable bomb door on each site. There are plenty of additional callouts on this map that are not noted on the general maps. Here are the regular named callouts:
A Side
- A Lobby
- A Main
- A Link
- Rafters
- Window
- Garden
- Mid Top
- Mid Link
- Catwalk
- Courtyard
- Mid Bottom
- Pizza
- Market
B Side
- B Lobby
- B Main
- B Back
That's a lot of information to take in, but there's some additional informative callouts that you should be aware of on both sides of the map.
Over on A Site, you will sometimes hear the term "Hell". This is referring to the location underneath Rafters. Another location just outside of A Site is "Wine", located on the far side of A Main. When defending A Site, as you enter A Main, it is on your left hand side.
For those of you wondering also what the “Shroud” callout on VALORANT is, it’s actually the double boxes to the side of A Main as it is similar to the spot from de_cache from CS:GO. Thanks Hiko.

VALORANT Bind Callouts
A peculiar map with no specified middle lane, that somehow has even more callouts than a map WITH a central lane, Bind is an incredibly direct map with two teleporters to allow for a quick switch of site.
A Side
- A Lobby
- A Short
- A Exit
- A Cubby
- A Teleporter
- Bath / Showers
- Lamps
- Tower / Heaven
- Cave
- Link
B Side
- B Lobby
- B Short
- B Long
- B Teleporter
- B Exit
- Garden
- Window
- Elbow
- Hall
There are a couple more really important callouts on Bind, that will keep you knowledgeable at all times. You have "Vent" located at the Defender side entrance to A Site, and "Hookah", located on the left side as you enter into Window. Another really sneaky place located on B Site, mainly used by Defenders, is also called "Cubby". This is found just to the (right) side of B Site when attacking.

VALORANT Breeze Callouts
Unlike where it is located, the Bermuda Triangle, this map isn't full of mysteries. Listed below is the entirety of callouts you will come across on Breeze.
A Side
- A Lobby
- Rope
- Cave
- Shop
- Pyramids
- Hall
- Switch
- Metal Doors
- Bridge
- Mid Bottom
- Cannon
- Chute
- Pillar
- Wood Doors / Double Doors
- Stack
- Mid Top
- Nest
B Side
- Snakes (Attacker Side)
- Window
- B Main
- Elbow
- B Back
- B Tunnel
- Wall
- Arches (Defender Side)
Like all maps, you should always be aware of the surrounding miscellaneous structures such as crates and boxes, but there is nothing extra tricky about learning this one.

VALORANT Fracture Callouts
A top secret research facility that has been torn in two by a failed radianite experiment, Fracture confused a few when it was first released. Separated down the middle by a zipline that travels underneath the Defender Spawn, it really is something special.
For something so seemingly complicated, you won't have to worry about figuring out anything extra apart from how to traverse the map.
A Side
- Hall
- Door
- A Main
- Rope
- A Link
- Drop
- Dish / Satellite
- Gate
B Side
- Tree
- B Main
- Tunnel
- Canteen
- Generator
- Tower
- B Link
- Arcade
- Bench
Fortunately, there's no mid lane to make this more confusing, as the link between each site is actually just known as Defender Spawn.

VALORANT Haven Callouts
Ahh yes, the beauty of a map with three bomb sites. Based in Bhutan in the shadow of a forgotten monastery, this map makes the middle lane much more than just about control. Bright and beautiful, Haven is going to have you looking in all different directions - so it's best to know where you're looking.
A Site
- Garden
- A Lobby
- A Short
- A Long
- A Link
- Tower
- Mid Window
- Doors
- Courtyard
B Site
- B Back
C Site
- C Lobby
- C Long
- Cubby
- C Short
- C Window
- C Link
You're bound to hear an extra few callouts on this map, as there are lots of additional areas for enemies to set up. Over on C Site, you have "Plat(form)", which you'll see on the far right of the picture below on the site itself. Just to the left of C Site is known as "Logs" because... There's a pile of logs there. Over on A, you will hear Tower referred to as "Heaven" a lot more frequently, and then the area directly below sometimes referred to as "Hell" - but most likely just "below Heaven".

VALORANT Icebox Callouts
Make sure to layer up, over on Bennett Island in a secret Kingdom excavation site overtaken by the arctic, because learning the callouts for this map can be a bit difficult... Especially if you're not good with colors.
Fit with shipping containers galore, and a few ziplines to spice it up, Icebox is a great map for all kinds of skirmish. Time to learn where you'll be winning gunfights from.
A Site
- Belt
- Nest
- Pipes
- Screen
- Rafters
- Blue
- Tube
- Pallet
- Boiler
B Site
- Garage
- Green
- Cubby
- Yellow
- Orange
- Snow Pile
- Hall
- Kitchen
- Fence
- Snowman
- B Back
- B Hut
Like we said, a lot of colors. Also a lot of locations to note down for B Site, but at least they're all pretty self explanatory! One thing we will note however, is that we don't know of anyone who has ever used the term "Snow Pile'' during a casual game of VALORANT. If you hear someone make that callout during one of your games, give that player a pat on the back. They're trying really hard for you.

VALORANT Lotus Callouts
The most recent release from Riot Games and the ninth map in VALORANT, Lotus talks of ancient power within a mysterious structure found in India. This map offers a whole host of movement opportunities such as rope ascenders, destructible walls and rotating doorways across three different sites. Unlike Haven however, this map offers three ultimate orbs instead of two.
As always, here are the locations you need to know listed in proximity to the Attacker side.
A Site
- A Lobby
- Rubble
- Root
- A Door
- A Main
- Tree
- A Link
- Hut
- Stairs
- A Top
- A Drop
B Site
- Pillars
- B Main
- Upper
C Site
- C Lobby
- Mound
- C Door
- C Main
- Bend
- Waterfall
- C Link
- Hall
- Gravel

VALORANT Pearl Callouts
Returning to the two-site setup, Pearl is a visually stunning entry into the game. Located in a vibrant, underwater city, Pearl is a straightforward map with no special mechanics. Just weapons, abilities and lines of sight. A traditional map that was executed really well, as long as you know the callouts, there's no reason you shouldn't have the upper hand. Speaking of which...
A Site
- Restaurant
- A Main
- A Link
- Dugout
- Flowers
- Secret
- Mid Top
- Plaza
- Shops
- Mid Doors
- Art
- Connector
- Records (Defender Side)
B Site
- Club
- Ramp
- B Main
- B Link
- Screen
- Tower
- Tunnel
- Hall
One thing to note about Pearl is that there are plenty of corners to hold lines of sight from, and all of these can be referred to as "Cubby" in some form, just as long as you explain the rough area it is. You can find these around both A Main and B Main, as well as A Link and B Link.

VALORANT Split Callouts
Finally, onto one of the first maps available from the closed beta, Split is based in a neighborhood in Shinjuku, Japan. Unlike all other maps with a Mid lane, this features a central control point that doesn't directly lead to the opposition spawn. Instead, it gives you two additional access points to the opposite side of the map to where you started the round.
With control of Mid, and the ability to get in behind your opponents from an early stage, it's really important to share accurate information with your teammates.
A Site
- A Lobby
- Sewer
- A Main
- Ramps
- A Rafters
- Tower
- A Back
- Screens
- Mid Bottom
- Mid Top
- Vent
B Site
- B Lobby
- B Link
- B Main
- B Tower
- B Rafters
- B Back
- Alley
- Stairs

VALORANT Tactical Callouts in Chat
We know that there are some of you who play with no microphone to talk to your potential new VALORANT friends, and that’s okay! You have two choices to communicate with your team in this case. You can type out everything that you know into the chat in short bursts, such as how you would communicate through callouts via voice, or choose to communicate via pings on the map! With the latter, be as clinical with your pings as possible to give your team as accurate information as possible.