Valorant Controllers Guide
Key takeaways
Controllers are agents that specialize in using utility abilities to manipulate the battlefield and limit the enemy’s field of view (FOV). There are currently five controller agents in VALORANT: Brimstone, Omen, Viper, Astra, Harbor. You need to use certain strategies on attack and defense as a Controller. As a VALORANT controller, your abilities are essential for controlling the battlefield. Controllers play a pivotal role in defense by providing smoke cover to their team. To be effective, they must prioritize their own survival.
In VALORANT, controllers are agents that specialize in using utility abilities to manipulate the battlefield and limit the enemy’s field of view (FOV). VALORANT controllers are essential in blocking off areas, limiting sightlines, and disrupting the enemy's movements, making them an essential component of any team composition. Controllers are often paired with other agent types like Duelists or Initiators to create a well-rounded team.
VALORANT Controllers have a variety of abilities that allow them to manipulate the battlefield in different ways. These abilities typically fall into a few different categories:
- Smokes: Smokes are used to limit an enemy's FOV and prevent the enemy team from seeing your movements. They're essential for controlling areas of the map and can be used both defensively and offensively.
- Walls: Walls are used to block off areas entirely and limit the enemy team's movement. They're often used to create chokepoints or force the enemy team to take a specific path.
- Other Utility: Some controllers have other types of utility abilities that can be used to disrupt the enemy team's movement or control their actions. These abilities might include stuns, slows, or other debuffs.


Brimstone is a versatile controller that can be used both offensively and defensively. Brimstone's abilities include the basic Stim Beacon and Incendiary grenade launcher, and his signature Sky Smoke, which allows him to set locations on a tactical map where his smoke clouds will land. His ultimate ability is the Orbital Strike, which lets him launch a lingering orbital strike laser that deals damage to anyone caught in its path. With these abilities, Brimstone is a powerful boots-on-the-ground commander and an asset to any team.

Omen is a stealthy controller that specializes in disrupting the enemy team's movements. His smokes can be used to block off areas, and his teleport ability allows him to quickly reposition himself. Omen's Basic Ability, Shrouded Step, equips him with a teleportation ability that allows him to quickly move around the map and flank his enemies.

Viper is a toxic VALORANT controller who uses her abilities to control the battlefield and limit the enemy team's movements. Viper's passive ability is Fuel and Toxin, which gradually generates and replenishes the toxin that fuels her abilities as a controller VALORANT agent.

Astra is a cosmic controller that uses her abilities to manipulate the battlefield and control the enemy team's movements. Astra has a passive ability called Astral Form that lets her become an astral form, which can be placed on the map to gain information. Her basic abilities include Gravity Well, which creates a vortex, Nova Pulse, which blinds enemies, and Nebula/Dissipate, which creates a cloud that can be turned into a smoke screen.

Harbor is a Controller agent in VALORANT, hailing from India's coast. With his mastery over ancient technology, he is a force to be reckoned with, able to control and summon masses of water to shield his allies and pummel his foes. Harbor's basic abilities include Cascade, which creates a wall of water that damages enemies on contact, and Cove, which creates a pool of water that slows enemies.
Playing as a controller in VALORANT requires a specific set of skills and strategies. Here are a few tips to help you succeed:
- Communication is key: As a VALORANT controller, your abilities are essential for controlling the battlefield. Make sure to communicate with your team so that they know where you're placing smokes and walls as a controller VALORANT agent.
- Don't be afraid to experiment: VALORANT controllers have a variety of abilities that can be used in different ways. Don't be afraid to experiment with different placements and strategies to find what works best for you and your team as VALORANT controller agents.
- Master the art of timing: Timing is critical when playing as a VALORANT controller. Make sure to use your abilities at the right moment to block off the enemy team or create openings for your team as a controller VALORANT agent.
- Stay aware of your surroundings: As a VALORANT controller, it's important to be aware of your surroundings at all times. Keep an eye out for potential flanks and make sure to cover your team's backs as VALORANT controller agents.
- Practice your aim: While VALORANT controllers are primarily utility-based agents, they still need to be able to hold their own in gunfights. Make sure to practice your aim and keep your shooting skills sharp as a VALORANT controller agent.
How to Attack with Controllers
Agents like Viper and Brimstone come equipped with abilities designed to obscure your opponents' vision. This is a game-changer because when the enemy can't see, they can't shoot accurately. This gives you and your team the upper hand in capturing the site.
Mastery of Lineups: To excel as a Controller, you need to master the skill of lineups. These are precise ability throws that allow you to influence the battlefield without exposing yourself to danger. Whether you're using Brimstone's Molotov or Viper's Snake Bite, lineups are your secret weapon. They enable you to defend the site effectively, even without risking a direct confrontation with the enemy.
Post-Plant Dominance: In post-plant situations, lineups become invaluable. Picture this scenario: you're the last player standing on your team, and you need to fend off the enemy defusing the spike. With the right lineups, you can buy crucial time by delaying the spike defusal or, even better, eliminate multiple opponents attempting to defuse the spike. The power to turn the tide is right at your fingertips.

How to Defend with Controllers
Survival is Key: Controllers play a pivotal role in defense by providing smoke cover to their team. To be effective, they must prioritize their own survival. Duelists, known for their aggressive playstyle, should resist the urge to charge into the enemy's grasp alone. Instead, use your smokes wisely to obscure the enemy's vision, whether it's to block sightlines during an attack or disrupt an enemy push during defense.
Knowing When and Where to Smoke: The essence of being a Controller lies in understanding when and where to use your smokes. Having an intimate knowledge of the map and recognizing the most crucial angles to block is crucial. Patience is key. Exhausting your smokes too early in the round can leave your team vulnerable during late-game retakes or critical moments.
Predicting the Enemy: As a Controller, you must be a master of anticipation. Predict the enemy's movements and adjust your abilities accordingly. Stay vigilant about the map's unfolding events and use your skills judiciously for maximum impact. Timing is everything, and by foreseeing the enemy's actions, you can provide your team with the most effective support.
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