Best Viper Maps in VALORANT: Unleash venomous dominance

Written By Eddie Lemon Writer
Last UpdatedAugust 1, 2023 at 02:50PM
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The best Viper maps in VALORANT are the ones that see her utility thrive. That utility is using her Poison Cloud and Toxic Screen. This means she wants to be able to setup and delay an enemy push on a site, especially from one or two angles on defense. On attack, Viper players strive to make sure their team gets to a site by blocking lines of sight and then defending the Spike successfully.

A lot of the time when defending, Viper will play more as a Sentinel than a Controller, having to put down her setup and commit to defending a site and putting down one-way smokes!


Viper excels on the frozen map due to how tight the site entryways are, meaning when defending, she can put a Toxic Screen across the main chokepoint that attackers have to push through!

Icebox is one of the best maps for Viper if she is attacking, as she can easily play a post-plant situation due to how open the map is. She can use her Toxic Screen to get her and her team onto the site, and then play with her Snake Bite off-site with Post-Plant lineups.

She excels over a lot of Controllers on Icebox, especially the likes of Harbor and Astra, who struggle with a lot coverage. Whilst they can both cover the areas needed, they have a lot of unnecessary range, and not the added bonus of Viper’s Snake Bites!

A Site

Viper Toxic Screen A Site Icebox
Viper Toxic Screen A Site Icebox

Viper is great at attacking A Site on Icebox, especially if you put a Toxic Screen from the bottom of A Belt, to go all the way through and block off A Screen and A Rafters. This also blocks vision up on A Screen itself, meaning any enemies lurking there, such as a Jett or an Omen, will have to move!

When defending A Site as Viper, you need to put a wall down across the chokepoint by A Pipes, to stop enemies pushing onto site. If enemies are attacking A Site from the main way, then they all have to funnel through one chokepoint by A Pipes, so throw a Poison Cloud in there to stop a push!

B Site

Viper Toxic Screen B Site Icebox
Viper Toxic Screen B Site Icebox

B Site is a lot more open than A Site, but because of Viper’s wide coverage in her kit, she can easily handle B Site! When attacking you can put a Toxic Screen down in B Garage to safely gain your team control of half of the site, including the default plant position.

This stops defenders from controlling the map, and all you need is for someone to either watch or smoke off B Nest, which you could even do yourself for a post-plant with your Poison Cloud!

B Site is also very open, and has no ceiling, meaning you can sit back with your Snake Bites and play with your amazing off-site post-plant lineups!

Defending B Site isn’t any harder either, as you can wall off the whole of site, or even play more aggressively and wall off B Blue down by Cubby! Your Snake Bites can be thrown either side of B Yellow to stop an enemy split push, as they both are large enough to cover the chokepoints!


VALORANT’s best Viper maps seem to have a lot of similarities - but mainly tight chokepoints! Viper is fantastic on Bind, and really excels due to how tight the entryways to each site are. On both sites there a two entrances, but they are both in line with each other, meaning that when Viper is defending, she can use one wall to block off both entryways (or even more with some lineups).

When Viper is attacking on Bind she has no struggle with getting her team onto site, and especially to the default plant positions!

A Site

Viper Toxic Screen A Site Bind
Viper Toxic Screen A Site Bind

If you want to attack A Site on Bind, we recommend using your Toxic Screen from A Lobby, and lining it up so it covers the boxes by A Lamps. This will get your team control of the default plant position, and provided someone smokes off A Heaven, all your need to do is clear A Lamps!

You can also use post-plant lineups from this starting position, so if you want to hold the flank and get ready to stop a defuse from half a map away, just make sure you don’t get caught looking up into the sky!

If you are defending A Site, we recommend putting your wall across A Cubby and A Showers, meaning you can stall a push with your whole Fuel bar! Another alternative is to actually wall off A Cubby and B Short, which is better if you want to hold a high line instead!

B Site

Viper Toxic Screen B Site Bind
Viper Toxic Screen B Site Bind

Attacking B Site on Bind with Viper is simple, as you can easily wall off from the corner of B Long. This covers anyone sitting in the cubby on B Site, and from Hookah. Whilst this leaves most of the site open, it actually means that any enemies rotating through CT from A Site have to push onto site exposed.

A Lot of Viper players wall off the B Hall entryway onto B Site, but what this does is it allows defenders to sneak behind your wall and get onto site without you knowing!

Defending B Site requires you to place a Toxic Screen in the corner on B Site, just by B Elbow and B Garden. You need to aim at the opposite wall, so it covers B Garden and B Hookah. This will stall a push effectively, and gives your team enough time to rotate!

Your Snake Bites and your Poison Cloud are both also very good at covering B Garden and B Hookah, as they both can cover the whole area in there!

Hi, my name is Eddie, I am a full-time writer and short-form video editor, with a degree in Esports! My main games are VALORANT and League of Legends, so you could say that I am at the beck and call of Riot Games! I have worked previously for a few different websites, doing various roles, such as writing, editing, and even voiceovers, but here at THESPIKE, I am an out-and-out article writer, so I can really get as much content out as I can! I graduated with my Esports degree with a 2:1, and a desire to keep going, so this was a perfect step for me, but I still can't get enough of League of Legends when I'm free.

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