How many GB is Fortnite?

Thinking if your hard drive has the space for Fortnite? Here's the game's size in gigabytes on all platforms.
How many GB is Fortnite?
Written By Onur Demirkol

(Content Writer)

Last UpdatedFebruary 23, 2024 at 04:00PM
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In the vast and ever-evolving landscape of gaming, the size of digital game files has become a critical consideration for players. Fortnite, the widely acclaimed battle royale sensation, is no stranger to this trend. As gaming technology advances, the size of games is expanding, and understanding the gigabyte (GB) footprint of Fortnite on various platforms is essential for players looking to optimize their gaming experience. This guide will delve into the details of Fortnite's storage requirements on PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and mobile devices.

Fortnite has swiftly become a widely recognized name, captivating millions globally. While examining the specific storage requirements for Fortnite on various platforms such as PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and mobile devices, it's crucial to emphasize that the game's popularity and constant innovation overshadow any concerns about its file size. In contrast to some older games that might be considered bulky, Fortnite's dynamic and ever-changing nature makes its storage needs a reasonable trade-off for the gaming experience it offers. Now, let's delve into what truly matters and discuss the storage size of Fortnite on different platforms, including PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, Android, and iOS!

How many GB is Fortnite on PC?

If you're playing Fortnite on a computer, you've got some freedom to make choices. The initial download takes up about 26.75 GB, which isn't too big. But here's the catch: if you want to add extra features, the total amount goes higher than before. Here is a breakdown of all the things you can get your hand on:

  • Fortnite Save The World: 3.82 GB
  • High-Resolution Texture Pack: 9.75 GB
  • DirectX 12 Shaders: 4.63 GB
  • Cosmetic Streaming: 27.09 GB

All of this adds up to a whopping 72.04 GB on your computer. You don't have to install everything, but if you want it all, Fortnite on PC can take up between 27 and 72 GB.

How many GB is Fortnite on PlayStation?

Fortnite is available on both PS4 and PS5, and the size difference is noticeable. The PS5, with better graphics, textures, and smoother performance, takes up more space. But don't worry, the PS5's fast Solid State Drive (SSD) makes the game load quickly. On both consoles, Fortnite can use up 18 to 35 GB of space, not counting updates that can be over 10 GB. These numbers get smaller after download because of compression. On average, the PS4 needs around 28.5 GB, not including updates.

How many GB is Fortnite on Xbox?

Fortnite's size on Xbox varies depending on the version. On the Xbox One, the game requires about 28.5 GB, while on the Xbox Series X|S, it extends to approximately 31 GB. The increased performance of the Xbox Series X/S demands more space to accommodate detailed models and textures. This aligns the Xbox experience with its PlayStation counterpart, offering a comparable gaming landscape.

How many GB is Fortnite on Nintendo?

Fortnite on Nintendo Switch provides a more compact gaming experience, residing at approximately 12.2 GB. This size is notably smaller than its counterparts on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation. However, it's important to note that this figure doesn't include potential future updates, which may expand the game's size. Despite its smaller size, Fortnite on Nintendo Switch offers a portable and efficient way to enjoy the battle royale excitement.

How many GB is Fortnite on mobile?

Fortnite's size on Android and Apple devices introduces a twist in the narrative. Initial downloads on these devices offer a glimpse of the game's size, with the "launcher" claiming a few hundred megabytes. On Android, the launchpad occupies a mere 120 MB, while iPhones set aside approximately 9 GB for this initial encounter. However, the saga doesn't end here, as the game continues to download post-launch. A crucial note: not all Android devices can accommodate the Fortnite spectacle, adding a layer of consideration for mobile gamers.

In the ever-changing world of gaming, the size of the game you play matters. Fortnite, with its vast landscapes and exciting gameplay, takes up different amounts of digital space on various devices. Whether you're customizing on a computer, enjoying enhanced performance on PlayStation or Xbox, or going for a compact experience on Nintendo Switch, knowing the digital size of Fortnite helps you make smart choices.

Before your next Fortnite adventure, take a quick look at your device's storage. Whether you're diving into the customization of PC, the improved performance of PlayStation or Xbox, or the compact haven of Nintendo Switch, understanding Fortnite's digital size empowers you to enjoy the game with confidence. So, gear up, check your storage, and jump into the Fortnite world with the confidence of a true fan!

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Onur Demirkol here, writer for THESPIKEGG. You will see his name on a bunch of different articles here, whether they are breaking news or evergreen guides and content.

His journey in the industry has been marked by influential roles at esteemed platforms such as Flank Esports and 5Mid, where he served as editor-in-chief. Onur made significant contributions to their success in written content and social media, including a notable impact on an issue of the Turkish Esports Federation magazine. Currently, he serves as the Lead Editor for Gamelevate, taking pride in managing a global team of 12 talented writers. Additionally, Onur regularly contributes to Softonic, gHacks, Dataconomy, and Techbriefly. He has written thousands of articles, and that number continues to go up.

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