How to double rank up in VALORANT

Written By Eddie Lemon Writer
Last UpdatedJuly 17, 2023 at 01:14PM
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So you are playing VALORANT, and absolutely stomping on every enemy team you face, getting aces with Jett, Reyna, and even Sage sometimes, but you are stuck climbing up through the depths of elo hell, one rank at a time.

You’ve heard of the mystical double rank up, but you ask, how do you double rank? Well, fear not, a double rank up could be very well coming your way!

Riot Games reset all the VALORANT ranks three times an Episode, and neatly divide these into Acts for us VALORANT players to understand. This is the time that we most often see double rank ups happen, as the playerbase is condensed down into Platinum after their five placement games at the beginning of the Act.

We get double rank ups in VALORANT because players who finished last Act in Diamond 3 can find themselves frequently up against players who finished in Platinum 1 for example.

What is a double rank up in VALORANT?

This is what happens when the VALORANT algorithm (also known as the Riot Games Gods) think that you are over-performing at the level you are playing at, so they decide to promote you two ranks next time you are due for a promotion to the next rank.

For example, you can double promote from Ascendant 1 to Ascendant 3 when you reach 100 RR at the top of Ascendant 1. This essentially skips Ascendant 2, and saves you between three and five games on your journey to Radiant!

How to get a double rank up in VALORANT?


There is no tactic to getting a double rank up when you are playing VALORANT, but if you are easily winning every game, the chances are the algorithm has noticed you, and is monitoring you to see if you are worthy of the mystical reward!

Individual performances matter too. If you are getting match MVP every game, then the algorithm has probably noticed you already.

Double ranking up often occurs on new accounts that are being played by people at higher elos, and especially as we mentioned earlier, in placement games at the beginning of your ranked journey in every act.

This is why it is so hard to climb at the beginning of every Act, as all of the ranks are condensed together, whereas towards the back end of an Act, the playerbase is a lot more spread out, and are all roughly where they should be in terms of their ranks!

Riot Games’ and VALORANT’s Senior competitive designer Jon “EvrMoar” Walker stated that the way to double promote in VALORANT is to get out of your MMR range.

Your MMR range means that you can play with and against people three ranks higher or lower than your MMR is at. This means if you are playing with players who are four or more ranks higher than you, chances are you are entitled to a double rank up next time you hit 100 RR to go up a tier.

Why did I double rank up in VALORANT?

Double Rank Up Worthy Match History on Omen
Double Rank Up Worthy Match History on Omen

If you have double ranked up, it is likely because of the reasons we just gave you. You are too good playing at the level you are at, and the algorithm wants to put you higher up the ranked ladder quicker.

This is not only for your benefit, to allow you to play more challenging games (as strange as this must seem), but also for the benefit of the people who are actually at the level you are stomping all over.

If your plan is to just rush B Main as Killjoy on Ascent every round and get three kills, and it is somehow working, then you are clearly better than the players you are playing against.

If you want to tell if you are over-performing, have a look at your match history, it is as simple as that. Do you have 35+ kills in every game, and every match is a green tab of happiness? If so, then you are probably at a lower level than your skill level, and you are in a prime position to get the coveted double rank up next time you hit 100 RR!

Can I see my MMR in VALORANT?

Unfortunately, you cannot see your MMR or your MMR range in VALORANT, which is one of the biggest requests from the playerbase since the game’s release. There is no indication of this change as League of Legends, the Riot Games MOBA has never seen an MMR indicator!

EvrMoar also came out to state that Riot Games see no use in showing your MMR, as “...there is no difference to showing MMR or not, in either system you play the same amount of matches and see the same rank.”

Hi, my name is Eddie, I am a full-time writer and short-form video editor, with a degree in Esports! My main games are VALORANT and League of Legends, so you could say that I am at the beck and call of Riot Games! I have worked previously for a few different websites, doing various roles, such as writing, editing, and even voiceovers, but here at THESPIKE, I am an out-and-out article writer, so I can really get as much content out as I can! I graduated with my Esports degree with a 2:1, and a desire to keep going, so this was a perfect step for me, but I still can't get enough of League of Legends when I'm free.

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