How to aim better in VALORANT
Aiming is one of the hardest things to learn for players that are new to FPS games. Let alone VALORANT, which also throws Agent abilities into the mix. The game has some unique aiming mechanics, and it leaves players wondering how to get get better aim in VALORANT.
This VALORANT guide aims to answer that question in five simple steps. If you want to know how to improve your aim in VALORANT and are looking to make some montage-worthy flicks onto the enemy Jett mid-dash, then stick around and read through the guide below.
These five tips will take time and effort, as learning how to get better at VALORANT aim is a very hard thing to do consistently, but if you stick with them, you will see your kill count going from that of a passive Sentinel to a smurfing [Duelist]!
Practice makes perfect
Yes, you need to practice. Practice like your life depends on it. There are so many different ways to practice aiming and shooting, but you need to actually do them! We have our best ways to practice your aim, and we are going to share them with you!
Aim Lab

Aim Lab is what we believe to be the best way to practice your aim and get better quickly.
It is a free download and it has thousands of unique courses so that you can sit in an arena and train on various playlists. Those range from basic aim fundamentals to advanced flicking playlists!
You can also check out other aim trainers that are out there. KovaaK's is also a solid alternative that is quite popular among gamers that want to improve their aim. However, we still recommend Aim Lab simply because of the official VALORANT playlists that reflect the maps and overall game.
The Range

If you want to improve aim in VALORANT but don’t feel like using an external aim trainer, then you can do the same thing that you do in Aim Lab in the Range in VALORANT!
As we are sure you are aware, the Range is VALORANT’s practice arena, and it gives you full access to every gun, with moving targets at various heights if you want them, and from whatever range you want! You can even practice your sprays and set unlimited ammo. The Range is truly your one-stop shop for improving your aim in VALORANT.

Now you’ve been grinding Aim Lab or the Range, but you want know how to get better at aiming in VALORANT matches, Deathmatch is the next step. You want to jump into a Deathmatch or Team Deathmatch game, and put the fundamentals you have learned in Aim Lab or the Range into practice!
This is so good for learning how to improve aim in VALORANT, as this is the first time in the process you are actually playing a VALORANT game!
You can see how players move, how players react, and most importantly, it is on the maps you will play in your rated games (except for Team Deatmatch).
Change your mouse sensitivity
VALORANT has some of the best ways to customize your mouse sensitivity out of any FPS game, and it allows you to adjust it to the thousandth!
This means that you can micro-adjust your sensitivity until you are happy that you can perfectly flick onto a head every single time!
- Our tip for this is to make sure when you swipe your mouse from left to right across your mousepad, your agent does a 180 degree turn. This is so that you can easily turn around to kill the Reyna that has popped out of nowhere behind you!
Improve your crosshair placement

Your crosshair placement is so important if you want to know how to get better at aiming in VALORANT. After all, if you aren’t aiming at someone, you are rarely going to hit them!
You want your crosshair to always be at head height throughout the game. This is because guns like the Vandal and [Sheriff]( are one-shot headshots, and the Phantom is a one-shot headshot up to 15 meters.
The way to practice this works up perfectly well with practicing in Deathmatch - don’t just rush around and focus on winning, but focus on keeping your crosshair at head height! This allows you to slowly peek corners correctly and actually improve your aim and crosshair placement.
Whilst you will get shot from behind a few times playing like this, you are probably the only one in your lobby improving your aim rather than trying to get 40 kills in ten minutes by rushing around the map.
Take advantage of your agent’s abilities
This is actually one of the best tips we have for you; don’t just rely on your aim!
There will always be someone with better aim than you and even all the way up in Ascendant people lose aim duels all the time, so why are you just trying to win by out-aiming the enemy?
Use your utility built into your agent’s kit, or even that of your allies! If you are playing Omen, you could nearsight your enemy with your Paranoia, or you could blind your enemy with Skye’s Guiding light!
The best ways to do this however, are with movement impairing abilities! The main example is when you are playing Sage, abuse her Slow Orb to stop enemies from dodging your shots! Breach’s Fault Line is another great way to concuss enemies and slow their movement to ensure you’ll easily hit your shots!
Improve your Movement
It is not always your aim that needs to improve, but instead a lot of times we see players miss their shots because of their movement. If you are peeking an angle incorrectly, or moving whilst you are shooting, you will miss almost every shot!
Our tips for this are that you do not want to swing every angle, trying to hit insane headshot flicks on the enemy Cypher at the top of Mid Catwalk on Ascent, but instead slowly check every angle by using your A key and D key - not your W key.
This might sound counter-intuitive, but when you edge out sideways, you give your opponents less of a target to hit before you can see them, meaning you are less likely to get shot.
You also want to make sure you are standing still whilst shooting unless you are within five meters of your enemy.
You can check if this is an issue with you by turning on Shooting Error in settings, and here is how you can do that in VALORANT.
- Go into "Settings"
- Go over to "Video Settings"
- Find "Stats"
- Scroll to the bottom and locate "Shooting Error"
- Turn both options on
What this does is it adds a small graph on the right hand side of your screen, which will record every time you fire your gun.
If the bars are blue, it means you were moving whilst firing, and yellow means that you were stationary. If you are constantly having blue on the graph whilst shooting, your issue is your movement rather than just your aim!