Every Phoenix voice line in VALORANT
Phoenix has some of the most unique and impressive voice lines in VALORANT, and when you are just feeling like the flame-throwing fire merchant is not quite your cup of tea, then his voice lines are sure to make you reconsider!
Whether it is using his Curveball to throw into B Heaven on Split, or even when he sees an ally Yoru on his team, Phoenix uses his snarky remarks to make you laugh or even hype you up!
His voice lines are different for each situation you are in, so you won’t hear the same cycle of 10 voice lines over and over again in a round! Here is every Phoenix voice line in VALORANT, categorized!
Who is the voice actor for Phoenix in VALORANT?
The voice actor for Phoenix in VALORANT is Afolabi Alli. He gives us some of the best voice lines in the game! He also appeared in an episode of House of the Dragon, the Game of Thrones spin off in Season One.
How to download Phoenix’s voice lines in VALORANT?
If you want to download Phoenix’s voice lines, then there is a Google Drive with all of the voice lines downloadable here!
Phoenix Ability Casting Voice Lines
"Goin' up."
- “Flash!”
- “Watch your eyes!”
Hot Hands
“Careful now.”
Run It Back
- “C’mon, let’s go!” - Ally Cast
- “Joke’s over, you’re dead!” - Enemy Cast
- “Yo, you can do that too?!” - Resurrected
Buy Phase
Match Start
- "Don't worry guys, they say I'm a prodigy. Not my words! Not my words, baby!"
- "Let's make this quick bro, I got things to do."
- "Yes, yes, it's me, autographs if we survive, yeah?"
- "Relax, settle down, I've got this. And I'm not leaving until we're done out here, yeah?"
- "When I'm done, they'll be nothing more than ash."
- "Keep a healthy distance! I burn hot!"
- "Okay fam, if any of you die I'll be vex so just keep alive, yeah?"
On Attack
"All this for some radianite? It's mad. Let's get it and be done!"
On Defense
"Yo, let's stop these guys, for real. No one gets past me again."
"Man this weather is not on. Anyone got a jacket?"
"Really? You dragged your fire guy underwater? Fam, you're killing me!"
Round Start
- "Remember, stay out of the fire. Super high level tactic, remember that, yeah?"
- "I'm twitchy here, let's go already."
- "Look, don't start restin'. There's still work to do."
- "You want me serious? You got it!"
- "Y'all better keep up!"
- "This is crazy, it feels like we've been doing this forever. Anyone else feel like that? Just me? Okay."
- "New fight, new tactics, keep it fresh yeah?"
- "Buy stuff, kaching, lil' skrrt, then we're done, yeah?"
- "Their MVP is mine. Let's do this!"
- "You man ready for a light show?"
Last round won
- "Feels good to stretch my wings."
- "That was easy!"
- "They're still fightin'? After seeing what we can do? Not wise."
- "I'm kinda feeling myself right now, y'all better keep up!"
- "Do they still want it? Mad guys."
Last round won while in the lead
- "Ayy, I like this game!"
- "Damn, this is fun! Let's keep it going."
- "Who else is havin' a great time? Just me? Tsk, ah, I'm gutted!"
Making a comeback
- "Knock me down, I'll get right back up."
- "Oh, okay! We back in it now!"
- "They're in for a rude awakenin'."
Last round in the half
- "Either spend all your money, or give it to me. Good cause either way."
- "Spend it now, or it's gone!"
Match Point
- "We win this battle, we win this war. Let's do it!"
- "One more win and we're going out for drinks lads!"
Spike forgotten
- "You're kiddin', right? Fam, get the spike!"
- "Someone get the spike."
Call for a buy
"I'm buyin'"
Call for a save
"I'm savin'"
Offer to buy for allies
"Anyone need something?"
Request weapon
"I need a drop."
Barrier Down
- "Keep it hot!"
- "Stop them! This is our turf!"
- "Knock 'em down!"
- "Gotta plug those holes, guys!"
- "Let's get the advantage."
- "They're not gonna get an inch!"
- "Bring it up!"
- "They should stop tryin'!"
- "Let's turn this around, squad!"
- "We got it this time!"
- "Let's push 'em out."
- "Let's keep it rollin'!"
- "Let me show you how the boss does it."
- "I got you, bruv!"
- "Don't hold back."
- "Let's go!"
- "Skrra!"
- "Embarrassin'!"
- "Sorry bro!"
- "Dead!"
- "Target down."
- "Get outta here!"
- "You're out."
- "Put down!"
- "That's done."
- "No you don't!"
- "What?"
- "Sit down!"
- "Head's up!"
- "Look sharp!"
- "Walk it off, G!"
- "Eh, what're you doin'?!"
- "Oh you ain't comin back!"
- "They're super dead!"
- "Pay attention!"
- "Really?!"
"Triple, baby!"
Last kill
- "You tried, ahaha, I'd stop that!"
- "Easy mate. There can only be one hero."
- "I got it! Yeah!"
- "That's it, break time!"
Last kill melee
Phoenix Laughs
Last kill enemy MVP
"Uhhh, I can't see your guy."
One kill remaining (game-mode specific)
"Game point, bruv!"
Defuse resumed
Defuse time running out
"All good, all good."
Defuse successful
"We good, we good."
Round End
- "Mess with again? Oh wait, you can't!"
- "You thought you could come against I."
- "Ooh, that's going on a highlight reel for sure!"
- "Oh you thought you'd put up a fight?"
- "You see that? Tell me you caught that!"
- "You get that on camera?"
- "The best! I said it, yeah! Everybody go home!"
Low HP
"You think you can kill me?"
"All I need are these hands and this fire."
Match End
Match Win
- "They're done? I was just getting started!"
- "Ah, come on bruv! Like it was gonna happen any other way!"
- "They're done! Who's up next?"
- "And that's how it gets done!"
- "Oh man I was just getting warmed up!"
"Okay we out! Gonna go crawl under some blankets now."
"Ayy! And we didn't even break the glass! Double win, baby!"
Match MVP
- "They're done? I was just getting started!"
- "Ah, come on bruv! Like it was gonna happen any other way!"
Runner up
- "Okay I'm feelin' good about that."
- "Next time I'm gettin' first place!"
- "Hey that's not bad."
Agent-specific interactions
Match start
"Just keep your tech off my flames, yeah? Wouldn't wanna fry your circuitry."
Enemy Radiant
Round Start
"I'll outshine all their Radiants!"
Female Agent
"You go girl!"
Ally Astra
Match Start
"Who's hungry? Astra, let's finish up then get jollof. I bought last time, so your treat!"
Round Start
"Astra! I bring the fire, you bring the stars. They are stars, right? Are they stars?"
"Oh Astra with the galaxy brain, yeah!"
Ally Breach
Match Start
"Breach! You flash, I flash, everyone's blinded, let's go!"
Barrier Down
"Tear them down, Breach!"
Ally Brimstone
Match Start
"Yo Brim, don't go tweaking your back out there. Leave the fancy stuff to the young'uns."
"Looks like the old dog's still got some fire."
Barrier Down
"I'm fire, you're brimstone, let's go!"
Enemy Brimstone
"Brimstone's out."
Ally Chamber
- "Chamber! I'm ready for some custom guns. You'll hook me up, yeah?"
- Chamber - chuckles "I am sorry, Phoenix, you cannot afford me."
Ally Cypher
Match Start
"Remember fam, winning takes sacrifice, right Cypher? Sacrifice? Like chess? Our chess game? Come on, I know you got it."
Round Start
"Cypher thanks for setting your stuff up. It's super useful man!"
Enemy Cypher
Last kill
"Stop snoopin'!"
Ally Jett
- Jett- "Hey Phoenix, if you die, I call dibs on your jacket."
- "Ah don't be like that, you know you'd also want my shoes."
Round Start
"Come on, Jett, me and you we never lose. Let's do this!"
"You're mad Jett, damn!"
Enemy Jett
Match Start
"They got a Jett too? Nah, there's only one wind girl, and she's ours. That's a fake!"
Barrier Down
"I'll clip that Jett's wings!"
Last kill
"Sorry Jett!"
Ally KAY/O
Barrier Down
"KAY/O, Team Forge, let's go!"
Ally Killjoy
- "Hey KJ, you good on the tech stuff? Need anything, you know, superheated?"
- Killjoy - "Okay, that literally happened one time, Phoenix, stop asking."
"Tech support with the carry! Nice work!"
Enemy Killjoy
"Engineer's down."
Ally Omen
- "Hey Omen, I respect a guy who knits. That's pretty cute."
- Omen - "It helps me focus! Oh, what do you care?"
"Omen you're not even winded. You sure you're human?"
Enemy Omen
Round Start
"Omen wins by fear, don't let him get to you."
Enemy Phoenix
Match Start
"Who's this other Phoenix guy? Nah mate, you're mine!"
Round Start
"There can only be one Phoenix. I'm coming for you."
Barrier Down
"Gonna burn you up, Phoenix."
Last kill
- "You're nothing, cuz."
- "You should see your face!"
Ally Raze
Round Start
"Raze, plug me into the tunes, yeah, I know you got the good stuff."
Enemy Raze
Match Start
"Aww it's a shame I gotta take out their Raze. That girl's a one-woman party."
Round Start
"Look out for that Raze, fam. Can't have you blowing up."
Ally Reyna
Match Start
"Hey Reyna, how old are you? No shade, you look great, but, like, sometimes you say the strangest things."
- "Damn, that was impressive, Mexico in the house!"
- "Damn, that was impressive, Mexico represent!"
Enemy Reyna
Match Start
"Man, that malice comin' off their Reyna, feels like she's already hunting me."
Barrier Down
"I'll crush her Radiant heart."
"Reyna's down."
Ally Sage
Match Start
"Glad you're here Sage. With you we can't lose!"
"Everyone just learnt what I already knew; you're wild Sage!"
Barrier Down
"Yo, doc! Keep us topped up!"
Enemy Sage
Match Start
"Their healer is nothing, I'll burn them faster than they can mend."
Round Start
"Don't wanna take you out Sage, but I gotta!"
"Healer's down."
Last kill
"Easy, Sage."
Ally Skye
Barrier Down
"Guide us in, Skye!"
Ally Sova
- "Hey Sova! We're gonna hit the chessboard after this, yeah?"
- Sova - "You lack the patience, friend. Learn that first, then we'll approach strategy."
Round Start
"Yo Sova, that owl's pretty dope. Would look a lot better with some flame decals on it, right?"
Enemy Sova
Barrier Down
"You're mine, Sova!"
"Scout's down."
Ally Viper
Round Start
"Ay Viper, none of your gas is flammable, right?"
Ally Yoru
- "Okay Yoru, right here, right now. We'll see who's the better shot."
- Yoru - "Fine, but I'll keep score."
Barrier Down
"Yoru let's see what you got, mate."
Enemy Yoru
"Rift walker's out."